Podcast, Uncategorized 208: Coaching and Mentoring Neurodivergent Adults with Dr. Kimberly Douglass I found today’s guest in a most unusual place! It was on TikTok that I first noticed her work with… 1 Comment
Podcast, Uncategorized 190: Stop Focusing on Self Control For many years I thought I needed more self control to help develop health habits that would help my chronic…
Podcast, Uncategorized 189: Using His Fire for Good with Matt Zinman Today’s show is about swimming against the current and going against the flow. Listen to learn more about focusing on…
Podcast, Uncategorized 187: A Cautionary Tale of Non-Violent Communication with Meenadchi Non-Violent communication needs to be used with caution, but it’s something we all need to learn and understand more about.…
Podcast, Uncategorized 186: Finding Your Way Back to the Playground with Gary Ware "Disruption in your life is an opportunity to play and it's helping you disrupt yourself on purpose as a way…
Podcast, Uncategorized 184: Play vs. Toxic Positivity I've been thinking a lot about play lately, but also feeling bad talking about play when there's so much going…
Uncategorized, Video Creative Intensity Subscribe on YouTube! The last few weeks I dove deep into creative projects including updating a whole bunch of new…
Uncategorized, Video Self Care in Chaos Subscribe on YouTube! This week on Embracing Intensity I discuss what I'm doing for self care in the chaos, and…
Podcast, Uncategorized 181: Live Out Loud: Cosette “Coco” Leary Cosette “CoCo” Leary loves to live out loud. She’s a jubilant speaker, professional coach, author, and educator. CoCo has overcome…
Podcast, Uncategorized 179: How To Live The Life You Love: Raquel Muller Are you living the life you love? For most of us, that’s a complicated question that demands an even more…